Mocha Angels 365. Day 54.

Day Seven of work.

An affirmation for work:

“In the infinity of life where I am, all is perfect, whole, and complete. My unique creative talents and abilities flow through me and are expressed in deeply satisfying ways. There are people out there who are always looking for services. I am always in demand and can pick and choose what I want to do. I earn good money doing what satisfies me. My work is a joy and a pleasure. All is well in my world.”

– Louise Hay, You Can Heal Your Life

Thank you for reading this series about work. Please let me know if it helped change how you think about your job.

The Work Series:

Mocha Angels 365. Day 53.

Day Six of work.

If you want to be deeply fulfilled by all that you do, maybe it’s time to leave your job. If so, release your current job with love to the next person who will be happy to have it. Your job is the perfect match for someone else. Let go to make room for the next person.

On your new job, bless that place and the people in it with love. Affirm that you are free to use your talents and abilities with abandon. Affirm that your boss is a wonderful person to work for. Bless your salary with love. Affirm that your new career radiates goodness. Declare that it’s all good. 😊😊

Day Seven is an affirmation for work.

The Work Series:

Mocha Angels 365. Day 52.

Day Five of work.

If you want to be deeply fulfilled by all that you do, know you worth. If you like your job, yet feel that you are not getting paid enough, then bless your current salary with love. Gratitude amplifies everything.

As Louise Hay says, ” Affirm that you are now opening your consciousness to a greater prosperity and that part of that prosperity is an increased salary. You deserve a raise because you are a great asset to the company.”

Part six up next.

The Work Series:

Mocha Angels 365. Day 51.

Day Four of work.

If you want to be deeply fulfilled by all that you do, then be the best employee at your job. Period. You may hate your boss or be frustrated by the tasks or feel disdain for your co-workers. That doesn’t stop you from doing the best you can.

You always want to do your best you can so the Universe knows to lift you out of that place and take you to an even better place to work.

Up next, the fifth step.

The Work Series:

Mocha Angels 365. Day 50.

Day Three of work.

If you want to be deeply fulfilled by all that you do, begin affirming, “I always work for the most wonderful bosses.” “My boss always treats me with respect and courtesy.” “My boss is generous and easy to work for.” This will become true for all the places that you work. If you’re the boss, you’ll become the person that your employees love.

If you don’t like your boss, bless him or her with love. That is hard to do. Lord knows, I know. Keep doing it anyway. Keep affirming, “I always work for the most wonderful bosses.” Press repeat. You can’t say this enough.

Up next, the fourth step.

The Work Series:

Mocha Angels 365. Day 49.

Day Two of work.

The second step of becoming deeply fulfilled by all that you do is to bless your current job with love. You don’t have to believe what you are saying. Just say it anyway. Bless the building, the parking lot, the elevators, the equipment, the doors, the floor, and most important, the people who work there and the customers who walk in the door. Bless everything and everyone in the building with love.

If there’s a co-worker who bothers you, again, bless him or her with love. If she is critical, affirm she is loving and full of praise. If he is grouchy, affirm that he is cheerful and fun to be around.

Why? Because this isn’t about them. It’s about you. You have to be the one to start changing your consciousness about your job. Try it. See how it makes you feel. And this isn’t a one-time occurrence. Repeat as long as you work there.

Up next, part three.

The Work Series:

Mocha Angels 365. Day 48.

I’m going to talk about work for the next few days. This is based on Louise Hay’s concepts in You Can Heal Your Life.

Wouldn’t you love to be deeply fulfilled by all that you do? The joy and meaning that would bring to your life would be spectacular.

The first thing to do is to check your negative thinking about your current job:

  • I hate this place.
  • My boss is an ass.
  • These people get on my last good nerve.
  • I don’t make enough money.
  • I am so tired of y’all I could just spit.
  • My co-workers suck.
  • Who hired these people?
  • This is way more work than I expected.
  • I am so tired of this s@%!
  • I work here? How did I end up here? WTF?
  • This is where I spend eight hours a day? Is this my life? Again…WTF?
  • (Feel free to add to this list in the comments because y’all know you’ve said the same things! And if you haven’t, I’d like to hear that too!)

We’ve all been there. I know I have. I have said variations of those sentences myself. Negative, defensive, angry thoughts about your job aren’t going to help. Even if you get a new job, you’ll have the same problems because you’ll bring the same thinking to the new job.

Change the way you think about the job you have now. Check your thoughts about it. What do you say when you complain to your partner or friends about your job? Awareness is the first step to change. No matter how crappy your job is, and it very well could be, you must make the internal change first.

Second step coming up tomorrow. Let me know what you’ve been saying about your current job. Anonymous replies are fine. I’m not trying to get anyone in trouble! (((hugs)))

The Work Series:

Mocha Angels 365. Day 36.

“……my therapist taught me, “Everything in moderation, except joy.” As I looked back over my life, I began to understand that my joy, indeed my very existence, depends on me inhaling goodness unapologetically.” – “Sharing ‘Good Vibes’ Only Can Save Your Life” by Danielle Young (link to full article below.)

I read that quote in the December 2019 issue of Essence magazine. I was reading the magazine at Firestone Auto Care while waiting for my car to be repaired after an unexpected breakdown. The column struck me so much that I took a picture of the above paragraph.

So how to inhale more goodness, more joy when the “dailyness” of life is wearing you down? Reading Mocha Angels 365 is always good! That Ms. Mocha Angel is on point! (HA HA!)

Doing things that bring you joy is key.

Enter ellieejay from the Pointless Overthinking blog. She wrote a post called “How to Love the Repetition of Life.” (link to full post below) Simple pleasures, with minimum effort and minimum cost, are the key the enjoying the repetition of life, says ellieejay. I’m down like four flat tires with her line of thinking.

The simplest of all my pleasures is singing. I sing all.the.time. Everywhere. Anywhere. Ask my kids. I dance too. I can’t dance worth snot, but I don’t care. Song and dance bring me joy. I can’t do either one of them too much.

How do you inhale goodness? What are your simple pleasures?

Sharing ‘Good Vibes’ Only Can Save Your Life by Danielle Young:

How to Love the Repetition of Life by elliejay:

Mocha Angels 365. Day 32.

A follow-up to yesterday’s Day 31 “I change my mind today” post.

As Louise Hay says in her book You Can Heal Your Life, “I’m willing to change.” Willingness is the key. Being willing to go out of your comfort zone, willing to do and try new things, willing to feel uncomfortable, willing to look foolish…all those things are new and feel weird right?

It’s okay to be scared to try new things. Forming new thought patterns is difficult, yet not impossible. I know some of my readers in real life, and I know what their struggles are. Just keep saying “I’m willing to change” a million times until it feels true. Dip your baby toe in the water of new experiences and thoughts. You are breaking old thoughts and habits when you say you are willing to change. Y’all know what old patterns no longer serve you. Start with something small, not attached to a big emotion.

Be gentle with yourself. Take your time. Create small changes one thought at a time.

Mocha Angels 365. Day 3.

Believe in yourself as you believe in God. Believe in God as you believe in yourself. With this belief, you cannot fail…in anything. You and God are co-creators of your life.

Show your faith by believing you are a powerful being who creates your life with thoughts, words, and actions. Consider each day a work of art, and you are the one painting the canvas.


I create a work of art today.