Mocha Angels 365. Day 72.

My friend Janet once told me, “Turn your pain into art.” Without pain, there is no depth to creative work. It’s empty.

Contemporary examples in music are:

Quoting Mocha Angels Day 69, these artists have transmuted even bitter and heart-breaking experiences and conditions of life into spiritual loveliness.

So take what hurts and put it into song, poetry, photography, visual art, books, videos, or whatever you love.

A Year of Living Without (or Breaking the Chains of Resistance) December Update

The plan was to not watch the news this month. Unfortunately, I hit my head at work on a piece of exercise equipment Friday, December 6th. Ambulance ride, ER visit, concussion diagnosis. It was great…not. I was off work from that day until December 24th. When I wasn’t sleeping, I did watch television, and sometimes, the news.

I have watched much less news in January. What I have done is read articles at Good News Network and Good Black News. They both remind me that people are doing good in this world. It’s unfortunate that good news is buried at the end of all newscasts, local and national.

I had thought super briefly about working in broadcast news while I was in grad school in the late 90s. (That was my decade!) I met a former news camera man, Derek, while I was in school. He told me two things: 1) That I was too nice a person to work in the news business and to stay the hell away from it, and 2) Newscasts lead with death and destruction in order to scare viewers into buying things. Number Two tripped me out the most. We’re being scared deliberately with the intention of driving us to buy more “stuff” in the name of fake security? The older I get, the more his words make sense to me.

January’s challenge is no coffee. I have had coffee since January 1, but a lot less than normal. Post-concussion, I have had more energy and I’m sometimes not finishing my coffee. I have raspberry tea at work and my own mug, so that’s what I’m reaching for more often.

Original post:

Good News Network:

Good Black News:

Mocha Angels 365. Day 364.

Have quiet time today. Encourage your loved ones to do the same. The Eve before the Eve is a good time to reflect on your year. Do not judge yourself so harshly on what was not accomplished. Life is not a race to the finish line. Life is a series of creations on your part. What do you want to create? If you didn’t like what you created this year, then create a different life next year. You are more powerful than you realize.

Mocha Angels 365. Day 356.

You all are glorious manifestations of God. Celebrate each other at this time of year. Be joyous and appreciative of the gift of life. Cast your “problems” aside. What good does it do to dwell on your “problems?” Worry does not solve them. Worry keeps you stuck.

Celebrate! You can breathe, see, hear, smell, and touch! You have plenty for which to be thankful. Your five senses allow you to experience God’s earthly creations. Breathe in the air that gives you life. See the sun rise and set. Hear children laughing. Smell food cooking on the stove. Hug another person and feel the love pulsating back and forth between you. Celebrate!

Mantra: I celebrate life today.