Holistic Saturdays: Strawberry Red Pepper Smoothie (V, GF)

Strawberry Red Pepper Smoothie

  • 2 cups frozen strawberries
  • 1/4 red bell pepper
  • 1 apple
  • 1 banana, peeled
  • 1 lemon, peeled
  • Pinch of cayenne pepper
  • Water

Blend until smooth.

One medium-sized red bell pepper provides 169% of the recommended daily allowance (RDA) of Vitamin C, making it one of the richest dietary sources of this essential nutrient. One cup of strawberries has 149% RDA of Vitamin C.

So add more bell pepper and/or strawberries if you like. Cayenne pepper gives it a kick and opens your sinuses. This is a great smoothie to drink if you have a cold. Let me know how you liked it!

Mocha Angels 365. Day 49.

Day Two of work.

The second step of becoming deeply fulfilled by all that you do is to bless your current job with love. You don’t have to believe what you are saying. Just say it anyway. Bless the building, the parking lot, the elevators, the equipment, the doors, the floor, and most important, the people who work there and the customers who walk in the door. Bless everything and everyone in the building with love.

If there’s a co-worker who bothers you, again, bless him or her with love. If she is critical, affirm she is loving and full of praise. If he is grouchy, affirm that he is cheerful and fun to be around.

Why? Because this isn’t about them. It’s about you. You have to be the one to start changing your consciousness about your job. Try it. See how it makes you feel. And this isn’t a one-time occurrence. Repeat as long as you work there.

Up next, part three.

The Work Series:

Mocha Angels 365. Day 43.

(An oldie but goodie…)

Write a gratitude list at any time of the day.

  • When you are stressed.
  • When you are worried.
  • When you are happy.
  • When chaos is swirling around you.
  • When you are about to go to sleep.
  • When you are at work.
  • When you are confused.
  • When you are feeling fine.
  • When nothing is working for you.
  • When everything is working for you.

Writing a gratitude list redirects your thinking so you focus on all the goodness in your life. Create a gratitude journal dedicated to all that you are grateful for.

Mocha Angels 365. Day 24.

This is a follow-up to Mocha Angels Day 23: “I speak from the heart today.” A subscriber said to me, “Speaking from the heart can cause all sorts of problems. The heart is full of emotion both good and bad.” Our conversation led me to clarify the intention behind speaking from the heart.

I learned the technique from a minister. The exact mantra is “Allow me to speak from my heart center.” It’s to be said to yourself, silently or out loud, when you are alone, not in front of other people. You say it when you are alone because this is about shifting your energy. Saying it in front of others invites judgment, and that’s not what you want. If you can’t get away from other people, say it silently. It’s said before a tense conversation (or confrontation) in order to de-escalate the situation.

Be sure to say it before you open your mouth. The intention is to speak with love to the other person. When you do speak, love, compassion, and clarity will flow from your mouth. It’s almost magical. It’s simply a shift in your thinking. You go from “I’m right, you’re wrong” (the ego) to “I want to hear you and understand where you are coming from” (the heart).

The other intention of “Allow me to speak from my heart center” is to heal the relationship. This works for everyone and anyone with whom you want to have a positive relationship.

The challenge is to remind yourself of the mantra when you’re angry or fearful, or worse, consistently an asshole/difficult/brash/rude/selfish/self-centered, etc. I’ve been that person, on all counts. I had to learn, in the hardest of ways, that insisting that I’m right all the time was leading me down the wrong path of self-righteousness aka “why can’t people just act right?” I’m the one who needs to be checking myself. I don’t need for everyone else to behave.

There are times when it’s appropriate to fight and defend yourself, or to get out of a dangerous situation. You don’t put up with anyone’s toxic bullshit or abuse. I think the heart center mantra is a gentler way of moving through life because you are being guided by love.

Hatred never ceases by hatred but by love alone. This is an ancient and eternal law. – The Buddha

Mocha Angels 365. Day 335.

As long as you are breathing and standing upright, you have the power to create each day however you want. What you do with each 24 hours is up to you.

Most of us have jobs, children, and responsibilities. Inject some fun wherever you can. Make each day special because once the day is over, you don’t get to go back to do it again. Although sometimes we do get a redo! (That’s an inside joke.)

Don’t like what happened yesterday? Do the next day different! Bring what you love to the day. Bring you own unique style, passions, and desires to the day. Don’t wait until your birthday, or a holiday, or an anniversary. Do you!